Mr David

David Riddle has served THP as Deputy Chairman and as a Board Director, over the last thirteen years. and has advised the Tran family across numerous aspects of their business, playing an instrumental role in accelerating the growth of the business.

He has over 50 years of management experience, with 45 years in Asia. Prior to taking on a full-time role with THP, David has been Deputy CEO, and a Board Director of a leading management consulting firm for the past 25 years, advising clients across Vietnam, Thailand, Mongolia, Laos, and Australia in a range of engagements particularly those involving corporate governance.

His advisory work has spanned a wide range of industries with a focus on the consumer sector. An additional specialism includes building corporate cultures that place the customer at the centre of the business, and which create an environment which empowers employees to achieve the very best in their chosen careers

Before his consulting career, David spent 20 years in high-profile leadership roles in retail including CEO of global retailer Ralph Lauren for Australia and New Zealand. Prior to that David was General Manager at Estee Lauder Companies for Australia, following a role as General Manager of Clinique.

David’s career in retail began with the Australian department store retailer Myer/Grace Bros. David is British and spent his early career in financial services in London, before relocating to Asia in 1976.